Christological concentration in the theology of Abraham van de Beek

  • Olst, A. Th. van (PI)
  • Huijgen, A. (CoI)
  • Wisse, P.M. (CoI)

    Project Details


    The aim of the study is to investigate how the central place of staurological christology in the theology of prof. dr. A. van de Beek relates to the differentiation of the Father and the Son as Trinitarian Persons, which is necessary from a biblical-theological and systematic-theological point of view. Also, Van de Beek’s Christological approach in his ecclesiology, eschatology and doctrine of creation will be assessed. The research will disclose Van de Beek’s theology and will probably provide the first dissertation on his theology.

    Effective start/end date1/01/18 → …


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